
Lhasa Tour: Rizhao Develops Summer Resort Tour

July 8, with the Zhengzhou train travel slowly to the sunshine of sunshine into the station, the first three Henan summer tourist train the first batch of more than 1,000 tourists arrived in Rizhao, Shandong Province this year is the first organization Rizhao Henan to lhasa tours the sunshine of the tourist train.
It is understood that the tourist train, people groups, and other large-scale tourism, tourism inland tourists to the team this year tourism is an important way to sunshine, but also further facilitate the transportation, tourism industry to upgrade the context of the correct response to sunshine travel, fast development, an important signal to seize market opportunities. As early as March 17, Rizhao City, ushered in the "Shandong Tour Shandong - Heze million people travel sunshine," the first group, more than 250 men traveling in five visitors Heze tourist bus has arrived Wanpingkou Scenic Area. Subsequently, the March-June, Heze and Rizhao Shanhaitian Spring tour travel together Heze organized over 10,000 people to the sunshine tourism, the successful completion of the "sunshine Heze million people in the group tour" of the large tour groups organized excursions, pull opened the prelude to this year's tourist season sunshine.
Series of people tours, train travel and lhasa travel hospitality organization's success, further tipping the summer sunshine tourism market. Meanwhile, Rizhao City, the tour has changed the former "you to compete, competing price," the competitive situation, and adopt a "share the resources, cooperation and win-win" strategy for the industry alliance to jointly develop the tourism market, has successfully achieved travel industry in the transformation and upgrading of roads to explore, to further promote the city's harmonious and healthy development of the tourism market For more information, please shift to Holidays in China

